Wednesday 24 March 2021

Still spring...for now

Apparently spring is going to take a break in a few days, but for now, it's still lovely. It was 19 or 20 today with some sun most of the day. It did rain a bit in the morning, including when I was out for my walk with Frederick Douglass. (His self-education has hit a few roadblocks, but I know he'll overcome them.)

In the afternoon I went out on my bike, intending to stop along the way and take pictures, but somehow I just kept cycling. I went along the path to Gibbons, through the university, across the river flats to Adelaide St. and up the path behind the Waltzing Weasel. The Weasel appeared to be busy, judging by the cars in the parking lot.

The path led me into Stoneybrook, and one of the first streets I came to was Tennent Ave., so I turned down it and rode through my old highschool, A.B. Lucas. It looks exactly the same - except the only people about appeared to be neighbourhood families out strolling.

I rode along the roadway that goes by the football field, passing within 10 feet of the spot where 53 years ago, I was first presented to my darling. Karen had roped a mutual acquaintance into introducing us at a football game. 

The shameless minx made no secret she was interested in me. Heaven knows why she was. I had picked her out weeks before. It was easy as she was the hall monitor near where my locker was. There she'd be every morning in her mini skirt, knee socks, penny loafers and clingy sweaters. My assessment: gorgeous, but out of my league. Some might still agree.

I crossed Adelaide and rode into the subdivision, at one point turning on to a path that crossed a stream through a wooded area. At some point, I turned the wrong way and ended up at Fanshawe Park Rd. So I just rode down to Masonville and around behind it to Richmond St., and eventually back on to the river path and home.

I was bagged by the time I got home. Not unreasonably - I just calculated the distance and it was about 20k. Not bad for the second ride of the season.


I've started to troll through my photos from winter 2016, to see if I can spot overlooked shots worth working on or ones I think I can improve. It seems I was very much in my phase of wanting to photograph street art. Most of what I found to work on are shots in that genre that I apparently deemed of the second rank.

The single exception - at the beach

One of my favourite of the Valencia street artist, Hyuro, who I just learned died very young of leukemia a few years ago

Near the MUVIM museum of illustration


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